Develop self-disciplime intellectuals through
a wide range of basic education


School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Curriculum
Course type Course No. Course Name Practice Year Semester Credit Hour
Basic major course 51251 BASIC COMPUTER PROGRAMMING 1 1 3 3
41145 Calculus(1) 1 1 3 3
17425 General Physics
  Experiment (1)
1 1 3 3
17437 Calculus(1) 1 1 1 2
51250 General Chemistry(1) 1 1 3 3
41144 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 1 2 3 3
05056 Logic Circuits 1 2 3 3
41146 Calculus(2) 1 2 3 3
17428 General Physics(2) 1 2 3 3
17438 General Physics
  Experiment (2)
1 2 1 2
Basic major
11185 Linear Algebra 2 1 3 3
Required major course 18685 Electromagnetics 2 1 3 3
25060 Circuit Theory 2 1 3 3
04746 Introduction to
  Electronic Circuits
2 2 3 3
Major 18436 Electrical Engineering Mathematics 2 1 3 3
50247 Introduction to Creative ICT Engineering
2 1 2 4
49156 Object-Oriented
2 2 3 3
11934 Numerical Analysis 2 2 3 3
35792 Electric Circuits
  Design and Lab.
2 2 2 4
18731 Electromagnetic
  Fields and Waves
2 2 3 3
25058 Circuits &
2 2 3 3
Major 06757 Microcomputer Systems 3 1 3 3
07725 Physical Electronics 3 1 3 3
12999 Signals & Systems 3 1 3 3
40989 Data Structures 3 1 3 3
18763 Electronic Circuits 3 1 3 3
35793 Electronic Circuits
  Design and Lab.
3 1 2 4
24766 Random Variables 3 1 3 3
25190 ASIC Design 3 2 3 3
08202 Semiconductor
3 2 3 3
35794 Analog and Digital
  Circuits Design Lab.
3 2 2 4
14209 Energy Conversion
3 2 3 3
15841 Operating Systems 3 2 3 3
17903 Automatic Control 3 2 3 3
21919 Communication
3 2 3 3
Major 54588 Internet of Intelligent Things 4 1 3 3
06492 Digital Signal
4 1 3 3
06498 Digital Control 4 1 3 3
18413 Electric Machines
  and Applications
4 1 3 3
18544 Power Electronics 4 1 3 3
18798 Electromagmetic Wave
4 1 3 3
24295 Modern Control
  System Engineering
4 1 3 3
35795 Microprocessor
  Application Circuits Design Lab.
4 1 2 4
30670 MOBILE NETWORK 4 1 3 3
32731 Mobile Communication 4 1 3 3
49155 Computer
4 1 3 3
50248 Integrated-Circuit Design for Wearables 4 1 3 3
50250 Smart grid power
4 1 3 3
50251 ICT Convergence
  Intelligent Robot
4 1 3 3
51244 Advanced
  Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology
4 1 3 3
51245 Semiconductor Device
  Principles and Applications
4 1 3 3
51246 Microwave Circuit
  and System
4 1 3 3
51247 Digital Image
4 1 3 3
37974 Optoelectronics and
  Optical Communications Engineering
4 1 3 3
54590 Digital System
  4 1 3 3
06504 Digital Communication 4 2 3 3
22440 Plasma Engineering 4 2 3 3
32730 Micro Electro
  Mechanical System: MEMS
4 2 3 3
34578 Design
4 2 3 6
38842 Photonics
4 2 3 3
40451 Analog and RF
4 2 3 3
42218 Seminar in
  Electrical and Electronics Engineering
4 2 1 2
49154 Algorithms 4 2 3 3
4 2 3 3
4 2 3 3
4 2 3 3
51249 Convergence
  Semiconductor-Sensor Engineering
4 2 3 3
52312 Wireless Transceiver
  4 2 3 3
52313 Smart Grid Operation   4 2 3 3
52808 Thin Film
  Engineering and device applications
  4 2 3 3
52809 Human ICT Control
  System Design
4 2 3 3
53087 Next-Generation
  Integrative Communication Network
4 2 3 3
52641 Artificial
  4 2 3 3