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Lab Introduction

School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lab Introduction
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Field of Research
Leader professor
Numerical Analysis, Circuit and System, Digital Communication
Wonyoung Yang
Control Robotics / Neural Networks / Wavelet Networks / Evolution / Genetic Algorithms Cellular Automata / Immune Systems / Fuzzy Systems / Intelli ...
Jeon Hongtae
Control Engineering Lab studies the modern control systems, including nonlinear control and its application.
Hong Gi Lee
The Electromagnetics and Electrodynamics Laboratory is studying electrical systems such as transformers, inductors, synchronous ...
Tae Kyung Jung
Chung-Ang University's Signal and Communication System Lab is located on the 7th floor of the College of Engineering.
Tae Kyu Jang
This Lab. trains experts in the field of artificial intelligence and research on artificial intelligence, intelligent robots, machine learning, deep learning, optimization algorithms, and the Internet of Things, which are the core technologies of ICT closely related to the 4th industrial revolution.
Kwee Bo Sim
Intelligent Information & Integration Systems, Intelligent Robot Vision, Deep Learning (Detection, Classification & Prediction)
• Deep Neural Nets : ConvNet (CNN), ResNet, bi-LSTM, Inception, DenseNet, GAN, etc.
• Current Research Topics : Multiple Time-Series Prediction based on bi-LSTM
• Deep Research Topics : Human Face Age Classification, Object Detection & Image Segmentation by Deep Learning
Hoon Kang
Development of Transmission Technique for Next-Generation Mobile Communication Systems
Yong Soo Cho
Circuit Design for Energy Harvesting and Light Application
Ho Seong Kim
In the Lab of Optoelectronics and Circuit Systems(LOCS), we are studying integrated optical sensors applicable to wearable devices and designing optimized circuit systems to readout signals. In addition, we are researching the optical display system for 3D-augmented reality, which has become a key technology to realize the untact era.
Young Wan Choi
The laboratory is currently equipped with excellent master and doctoral researchers.
Oh Young Song
The Control and Robot SLAM Laboratory has studied on the navigation and control of autonomous vehicles and drones, which includes drone modeling and control, robot SLAM, sensor fusion, inertial navigation, GPS and satellite navigation, visual-inertial SLAM, control theory and application.
Duk-Sun Shim
Plasma Etching- Metal Etching- Oxide Etching- Si, Poly-Si Etching - High-K Diel...
Chang Il Kim
-Implementation of Optimization Algorithm and Optimal Design of RF Components The optimal design technique is based on the circumference of conductors, dielectrics, etc ...
Hyungseok Kim
Professor Sehyun Park is the Director of "Research Laboratory of Intelligent Energy and Industry" of BK21 FOUR program, which supported 9 billion won for seven years by the Ministry of Education. We established 'AI Smart City Innovation Center' which is the best research center in Korea, and leads the technologies and researches of services and business models based on AI, IoT and BigData, with 22 domestic and international institutions including Doosan Group and KEPCO.
Se Hyun Park
Electric Power System and Smart Grid (EPSSG) lab focuses on designing and analyzing efficient cyber-physical electric energy systems using power engineering, optimization, and machine learning.
Dae-Hyun Choi
Main research interests of the Laboratory for High Performance System Architecture include computer architecture, high-performance computing, embedded system design, internet of things etc.
Jun Seong Kim
Microwave and antenna
Jung Pil Kim
We study fields such as AI, Machine Learning / Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Big Data, and Internet Security.
Ho-Hyun Park
Power Systems Lab researches all kinds of problems related to the analysis and control of electric power systems
Un Chul Moon
Digital Image/Video Processing based on Various Artificial Intelligence Techniques
Sungwook Yu
CAU MEMS/NEMS laboratory researches on the MEMS/NEMS (Micro/Nano Electro Mechanical Systems), where design, fabrication and application of micro/nanoscale sensor and actuator devices and systems are Investigated using the micromachining technology based on the semiconductor manufacturing process.
Chang Wook Baek
We work on the following research topics: wireless communications, error control coding, artificial intelligence and AI-based communication systems.
Jeong Woo Lee
The Mixed-signal Integrated-circuits Design, Analysis, and Synthesis (MIDAS) Lab. focuses on research, development, and education efforts on the integrated of circuits and systems on semiconductor platforms.
Kwang-Hyun Baek & Lee, Woojoo
Wireless Communication RF circuit and system - Mobile broadcasting RF circ...
Dong Hyun Baek
We are developing breakthrough technologies for wireless communications, wireless power transfer, wireless sensors, and radar in microwave and millimeter-wave. Especially, we are trying to solve various wireless problems by way of metamaterials, advanced materials and printing technology.
Sungjoon Lim
Bio-inspired Autonomous Network, Low Energy Network and Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence Based IoT Network
Electronic Devices and System Lab is a laboratory researching various next-generation semiconductor/display devices and systems that will lead the future society.
Sang-Hun Song & Hyuck-In KWON
Main research topics of our laboratory (power electronics and renewable energy application lab) are design and control of power electronics systems used in areas of electric vehicles, renewable energy systems including photovoltaic/windturbine/wave energy systems, home appliances, and displays.
Sangshin Kwak
Nonlinear Adaptive Control
- Distributed Formation Control
- Fault Detection and Accommodation Control
- Neural-Networks-Based Control Theory
Sung Jin Yoo
We research the next-generation technologies of electronic devices (TFTs, Sensors) and Displays, conducting various studies to commercialize the technologies.
Sungkyu Park
The major fields of research in this laboratory are piezoelectric and transparent electrodes related to renewable energy.
Go Junghyeok
We conduct research on the energy conversion between electrical energy and mechanical energy. Specifically, we carry out research on electrical machines using electromagnetism and special electrical machines using smart materials such as piezoelectricity and shape memory alloy. In addition to the hardware, we also conduct research on analysis and optimal design methods which are software necessary for the design of electrical machines.
Jong-Suk Ro
Our lab covers the overall researches on RF circuits, systems and antenna applications with a special emphasis on mmWave & (sub)THz related antenna IC, antenna module and scalable beamforming system design.
Lee, Han Lim
iWSL mainly focuses on i) Next-Generation Communication, ii) Machine Learning & AI Technologies, and iii) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones).
Joung Jingon
Biomedical Imaging and Systems Laboratory is devoted to researches on signal/image processing, systems, and deep learning for various bio applications in accordance with healthcare and social needs.
Suhyun Park
The System Software Laboratory endeavors to design and implement system software for high performance computing hardware and embedded systems. The research interests include operating systems, GPU virtualization, fog/edge/cloud computing, and deep learning frameworks.
Cheol-Ho Hong
Functional Optical Imaging Lab (FOIL) is developing ultra-sensitive biosensors and functional 3-D nanoscopy using laser light and interference.
Woo June Choi
Our lab. will focusing on hardware implementation and algorithm level analysis of the Artificial-Neural network (ANN) starting from the basic understanding of ANN. Also, I plan to research about memory circuit and its interface design as well as Computing-In-Memory (CIM), as the key element of the ANN lies in memory architecture.
Yong Shim